It can be quite challenging to provide grief coaching for youth. They reason, think, feel, act, and react to life’s pain in their own unique manners. For example, the grief that an adolescent goes through is normally influenced by such things as the relationship established with a deceased person, how the person died, how the youth dealt with loss in the past, and the youth’s own strengths and weaknesses.

grief coaching for youthIt is important for the coach to convey that he/she has the youth’s best interest at heart. It is also important to convey to youth that a loss brings about multiple feelings and emotions. Their opinions and thoughts must be acknowledged and validated by the coach. It is crucial for the coach to possess great listening skills and demonstrate special care and skills needed to address the needs of the adolescent. Our coaches are prepared to deal with youths’ raging hormones, school stressors, self-esteem issues, etc. Thus, the painful agony of dealing with loss can be overwhelming for them. Online youth grief coaching can help them cope with their losses as well as address other issues they may be experiencing.

Children (up to 12 years old) often need additional support because they lack the vocabulary needed to express their feelings. They do not have life experiences to describe and compare their feelings. If children’s needs are not readily and appropriately addressed, it can impair them as they move toward adolescence and adulthood.

Our online youth and children grief coaches consistently demonstrate sensitivity and patience when making suggestions to them. It is important for our coaches to ensure that rapport with the youth or child is maintained throughout the sessions


It can be quite challenging to provide grief coaching for youth. They reason, think, feel, act, and react to life’s pain in their own unique manners. For example, the grief that an adolescent goes through is normally influenced by such things as the relationship established with a deceased person, how the person died, how the youth dealt with loss in the past, and the youth’s own strengths and weaknesses.

griefreliefinprogressIt is important for the coach to convey that he/she has the youth’s best interest at heart. It is also important to convey to youth that a loss brings about multiple feelings and emotions. Their opinions and thoughts must be acknowledged and validated by the coach. It is crucial for the coach to possess great listening skills and demonstrate special care and skills needed to address the needs of the adolescent. Our coaches are prepared to deal with youths’ raging hormones, school stressors, self-esteem issues, etc. Thus, the painful agony of dealing with loss can be overwhelming for them. Online youth grief coaching can help them cope with their losses as well as address other issues they may be experiencing.

Children (up to 12 years old) often need additional support because they lack the vocabulary needed to express their feelings. They do not have life experiences to describe and compare their feelings. If children’s needs are not readily and appropriately addressed, it can impair them as they move toward adolescence and adulthood.

Our online youth and children grief coaches consistently demonstrate sensitivity and patience when making suggestions to them. It is important for our coaches to ensure that rapport with the youth or child is maintained throughout the sessions